Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Absence makes the heart grow fonder....right???

It's been awhile. A really long while. A really, really, reeeaaaallllyyy long while. But it's not like I haven't been doing anything! Living in California, free-lancing, teaching theatre, all of that took up too much time to write a post a day, let alone actually read a play a day. But now that I'm back in Boston, currently unemployed, I have decided to resurrect this beast, and continue on my journey of reading every play in our library. Also, it will justify bringing these books with me from CA instead of keeping them in storage! It probably won't be a play a day, but I'm trying to go for at least a play a week (this is also one of my New Year's Resolutions, albeit 6 months into 2013 - oops!). "A Play A Day" sounds better anyway :) I may also try to combine this blog with my previous failed blog "Scene In Beantown", a blog for theatre happenings and reviews in the Boston area, and I will definitely link this blog to the awesome other theatre-related blogs of friends of mine (because their musings are definitely more interesting than mine!). So stay tuned! New Our Town post coming soon!