Wednesday, August 31, 2011

In the beginning...

Welcome to my blog dedicated to plays, theater, and anything related to the performing arts! I've decided to start this project off (perhaps over-ambitiously?) by reading a play a day. Why do this, you ask? What on earth is she thinking?! Well, I've been doing theater for years, either acting, directing or teaching, and lately it feels like I've gotten out of tune with the theater world. So I feel that it's high time I got my act together and went back to the basics, meaning READ MORE PLAYS! Since moving from Boston to the San Francisco area (and looking at the ridiculous amount of books Justin and I have acquired over time), I realize that I have read only a small percentage of the plays and theater books we own. Therefore, I've decided to conquer them! I tried this experiment once before when I decided to read every Shakespearean play in chronological order when I was studying in England...I think I read about 10, and I skipped the histories. Oops! Anyway, I plan to read and re-read everything in our library and blog about each one. I will also write reviews of shows that I see, things I'm involved in, and other interesting tidbits about the theater world. Thanks for reading - it's gonna be a crazy ride!

Now, let's read some plays :)

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